Hike Bike & Skiing

in North Klamath County

Not only a great way to get in shape, Hiking, Biking and Skiing are awesome ways to see the country side here in North Klamath County. Take the opportunity to get up close and personal with Mother Nature. Grab your Hiking Boots, Snow Skis, Mountain Bikes a Day Pack or Camping Gear and hit the road. Or, better yet click on over to Ride Oregon or Cycle Oregon and take the trip of your lifetime. Don’t forget to stop and visit Chemult, Crescent, Crescent Lake and Gilchrist in NKC on your way.

Mount Thielsen

The Hike of all Hikes, Mount Thielsen, or Big Cowhorn, is an extinct shield volcano in the Oregon High Cascades, near Mount Bailey. Because eruptive activity ceased 250,000 years ago, glaciers have heavily eroded the volcano’s structure, creating precipitous slopes and a horn-like peak. The spire-like shape of Thielsen attracts lightning strikes and creates fulgurite, an unusual mineral. The prominent horn forms a centerpiece for the Mount Thielsen Wilderness, a reserve for recreational activities such as Skiing and Hiking.

PCT (Pacific Crest Trail)
If there is one thing in life I wished I had done, this is it! Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in my book has to be one of the best things in life, Ever! Don’t wait until its too late to take advantage of the PCT adventure, you’ll regret it big time. For more info on the Oregon PCT and to reserve your permit, visit https://www.pcta.org/discover-the-trail/geography/oregon/.

Biking the PCT

The Pacific Crest Bicycle Trail (PCBT) is a 2,500-mile-long, road-based bicycle touring route from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. It was designed to closely parallel the Pacific Crest Trail and the two trails cross 27 times as they pass through the states of Washington, Oregon, and California. The PCBT passes through the North Cascades National Park, Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Yosemite National Park, Kings Canyon National Park, and Sequoia National Park and is generally routed through the Cascades and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges. The route attains its highest elevation at Tioga Pass in California at approximately 10,000 feet.

Willamette Pass Ski Resort

Willamette Pass Ski Resort is our premier Snow Skiing Resort in NKC. While just a few miles from Chemult, Gilchrist and Crescent and Minutes from Crescent Lake it’s a great day trip that is number #1 on most everyone’s list during the winter months. Dress warm and come prepared for a day literally on top of the world. The views from the top of the Mountain are breath taking to say the least. Not only the Skiing, but the Forrest Vista and Lakes in the distance will keep you coming back for more.